Just a Choice

It’s not really cheating.

Just a nibble is all,

Nothing to be concerned about.

Why are you looking at me like that?

It’s not like I can’t stop before it gets too bad.

I am a grown person,

I don’t need your approval!

Stop looking at me like that!

There is nothing wrong with what I’m doing.

If you have a problem, then perhaps you should leave.

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

‘I can do what I want.’

That’s what grown ups say, isn’t it?

So why do I feel like I’ve lost something?

Inspired by the picture prompt from today’s Light and Shade Challenge. This time, I stayed in the 100 word limit.

10 thoughts on “Just a Choice

    • My family don’t wait for me to find them after they find my candy stash. They either eat it, or confiscate it and hide it from me to eat later.

      Course, in their defense, I’m not supposed to have candy anyway… I just like to hoard them, skill I learned as a child and never really let go.


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