Wait For It…

It didn’t seem to matter how long something took to happen, the point was that it happened. You just had to wait for it.

Of course, that wasn’t all of it. Oh no, that would be too easy.

What you had to do was to prepare and prepare and prepare and be ready to jump at faster than an instant’s notice, but to then spend an eternity waiting for that instant to happen.

The hardest part wasn’t always the waiting, because as long as you were ready then the waiting wasn’t too bad. Plus, there were lots of things to do during the waiting time. You could read or write or draw or play games or even just rest.

No, the hardest part was staying ready while you were waiting. It was difficult, it was annoying and, more than everything else put together, it was just plain exhausting.

It was trying to remain focused while also resting in a way that let your mind wander. It wasn’t something that could stay indefinitely, but it was expected to stay like that while you waited, no matter how long you waited.

Of course, chasing around someone who was on a constant sugar high while you were waiting (especially when they were supposed to be the more ‘mature one’ or whatever) made the waiting even more difficult.

Sometimes, he thought to himself as he watched his female counterpart pounce all over the room at the speed of light (literally), It just isn’t worth getting up in the morning.

And yes, she wasn’t bouncing, she was definitely pouncing. What was she pouncing? The little flecks of dust illuminated in the beams of sunlight.

Why did I think this was a good idea again?

This little snippet was inspired by the Dungeon Prompt: Myth Making and it is supposed to be about Star and Illusion Master who are from my Former Guardian universe. There would have been more to the story, explaining what they were waiting for but my brain is a little dead at the moment and not awake enough to think about this snippet much longer. My apologies.

But yes, most of my life has been ‘hurry up, get ready now wait for it…’

3 thoughts on “Wait For It…

  1. Pingback: Dungeon Prompts: Myth Making | The Seeker's Dungeon

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