It’s the Little Moments – SoC

In the beginning there was darkness.

And then there was light.

Slowly, but surely there was order ascribed to the chaos that had existed before.

Because nothing can be made from nothing. Everything had to come from something even if that something was not understandable in a way that those that would come after could comprehend.

“Is this going anywhere?”

“Hush, I’m trying to teach something to our charges.”

“This sounds like it’s going over the head of a bunch of two-year-olds and a five month baby.”

“Comet, you are ruining the mood! I was going for seriousness here!”

“Sister, they fell asleep before you started…”

“That is hardly the most important point!”

The two, eons old though they may be, continued their argument as quietly as possible lest they wake the children they were watching.

This little bit was inspired by this weekend’s Stream of Consciousness prompt and a little bit about what life was like before the Galactic War.

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