Behind Me Stands

Great people come and go

Only so far as history seems to show

Or is it that the good are only footnotes

Dust forgotten in the great boat’s wake?


Where a man stands there’s always another

Or maybe even just in the shadows, a mother

Many would not be where they are today

Are you where you thought you’d always stay

Not without the influence and care of a mother’s gentle stare

Mornin’ Mom!

Most mothers wake first
Only to be shooed back into bed if kids are old enough.
Ready or not, they will demand that you leave the kitchen.
Now you’re waiting in bed and reading.
In they will march 10 minutes later,
Now mom will smile and sound very surprised.
Good morning, Mom! Happy Mother’s Day!

Written on honor of how my sister’s kids work through the morning on Mother’s Day. She wakes first and when they get up, they shoo her back to her room so they can surprise her with breakfast. They still manage to surprise her, though partly it’s because they’re cooking has gotten better over the years.

All In A Day’s Work

May 10th…
There is a lot that can happen in a day:
For some it’s Mother’s Day early!
For others it’s a day to remember the fallen,
When Scotland recognized Kind Edward I,
When the infamous Tea Act was passed!
When France gained a new king and queen,
When the Rebels gained fort Ticonderoga,
Wedding of the Rails, World’s First Transcontinental Railroad!
So much that can happen, 
Many big things and small…
Somethings may succeed
While others will fall:
First woman nominated for U.S. President,
Books burned in World War II,
A parachutist drops in to try and negotiate the end of WWII.
Still others give us nothing but hope!
Showing the world that we can more than cope:
South Africa inaugurates Nelson Mandela,
One World Trade Center stands proud and tall,
Iconic Bruce Banner makes his debut,
National Gallery in London publicly opens,
Mother’s Day observed for the first time in the U.S.
So many things can happen,
A life can begin,
A life can end,
Whoever it is
And whatever they do,
Remember that it all begins,
With one day…

Written when I became curious about what Wikipedia would bring up when I typed in ‘May 10.’ It was a surprising read through and I only skimmed a little of what has happened today in the past.