Gates For Thought – Thankful Thursday

Got to stop progression
And wait for things to come
The moment isn’t here yet
Evening hasn’t rung

Sometimes we have to slow down. We live in a world that wants instant gratification. Wants things now and not later. We want that, too. We don’t want to wait and sit still, don’t want to acknowledge that we can’t run when it’s hard to even just walk

We want to do things, we want to do them when we want to.

But sometimes we need to slow down and wait. Not because patience is a virtue, but because we need to move slowly so as not to hurt ourselves. You don’t expect something broken and just glued back together to be hardened and solid for a while, after all. We need to remember that about ourselves as well.

This was supposed to be a post on how I’m still grateful for child gates as we have to use one to keep the dogs away from a section of drywall we have to replace while renovating the kitchen. Then I got tired and distracted. Still, I am grateful for the gates not just for how I’ve needed to use them, but also for when something like this makes me think.

My Life Right Now

Comes running in
Jumps on the couch
So excited!
What’s that noise?
I’ve never heard that…
Lets sit quietly
Watch what’s happening
Fall asleep
Just in time for the laundry to be done…

My dog’s puppy sister has never heard kittens before. By the time we got her, all of our kittens were grown up. She came rushing into the living room while I was watching a clip about a kitten trying to steal someone’s drink and was Not Happy it wasn’t being allowed. Helena was so confused! It was adorable to watch her lose all of that frenetic energy trying to figure out what was making that noise.

She’s asleep now.

On me.

And the laundry just finished.

All Smiles

Perhaps I had forgotten
Until you saw her face
Peering into the case

We got a puppy a few weeks ago. Ironically, from the same people we got our dog Vincent from. She’s from the last litter they’ll have as their mother was a stray that wandered into their yard and decided she really liked their two male dogs who weren’t fixed. They have a happy little pack, but only recently was the female comfortable enough with her new humans to let them catch her and take her to be fixed. Vincent is three years older than his little sister and he’s from one of the first litters they had.

Moving has been hard on Vincent and we had already decided we’d get him a companion once we’d moved. (We have, in fact, moved and are still unpacking at the new place.) We didn’t expect to be able to get him a puppy which he is just over the moon about. I’m pretty sure he was happier over her than the rest of us put together. He adores his little sister.