
If you don’t think you can handle another person’s opinions on a fictional character in a healthy and respectful manner, then you may want to skip this one. –SliceofOtaku, YouTuber

There comes a point
Rocking your perception
Installing your fears
Giving way to aggression
Going quickly to tears
Even as you see your trangression
Reality turning its gears

WARNING: Arrogance Ahead

Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. –Friedrich Schiller

So you think you know more than me?
There’s no way that can be true.
Unless you have managed to learn and
Partake of the humility fruit.
It’s nectar is sweet as the morning dew.
Don’t forget that arrogance can regrow, so
It behooves you to work to be humble.
There is never a cure for this disease
Yet people insist this is not so.

Little thing inspired by yesterday’s prompt from the Light and Shade Challenge.

Remember Fear – Day Twenty-Two

My little child, don’t come near
Of what awaits you that you fear.
Did you know that it keeps you safe
Until your parent comes and takes?
So keep in mind your fears today.
Only remember this as well
Poor choices that will make you ill.
Except you know when to stay or go
Rarely will you move at all.
And know that I was once there too
Not knowing precisely what to do.
Don’t let fear control your path
It’s only there to remind you of wrath.

Written for two different prompts that I enjoy:

NaPoWriMo – http://www.napowrimo.net/2014/04/day-22-2/

Dungeon Prompts – http://theseekersdungeon.com/2014/04/17/dungeon-prompts-season-2-week-16-our-hidden-modus-operandi/

This is something I would like my nieces and nephews to remember. Fear is there are a warning, something that you should pay heed to but also remember that you shouldn’t let it control you.