
To be forgotten is worse than death -Freya, Final Fantasy IX

What do you do when she doesn’t know who you are?

What do you do when she doesn’t know who she is?

Every morning it starts all over again.

Who are you?
Where am I?

You pray and love her and don’t startle her at all.

You love you and don’t want her to fear you.

You are gentle and caring but never overbearing.

Is that my name?
I’m someone’s wife?

It gets harder as the days go by and there is no change.

Memories, new and old, are as tangible as the night sky.

It gets harder to carry one day after day.

Why do you still care for me?
Why do you stay here with me?

But she is as necessary to your life as the air you breath.

You could no sooner send her away than reach into your chest and physically rip out your lungs.

You promised for better or worse.

Why do you love me when I can’t even remember your name?
How is it that I know I love you back?

A promise made is a promise to keep, especially to your eternal companion.

The memories may be gone, but the emotions remain.

You are in this together no matter what.

Written in honor of my brother and sister-in-law. They are some of the most awesome people I have ever had the privilege to meet and know. I pray that the Lord will be with them.

Cover the Emptiness

image: wax115 on

She pulled on her father’s boots last, taking the time to do up all the laces and then tuck the excess into the side around her feet. The boots were large, larger than she had initially thought.

But at the same time, they were just the right size.

Her father wasn’t at home. In fact, he hadn’t been at home for a very long time. He likely wouldn’t be home for several more months, if he came home at all.

So she would pull on his boots and walk around the house in them all day long. If she had to leave to do anything, the boots would go with her, slowing her down and reminding her that they didn’t fit.

They would never fit.

But it would keep her father closer to her throughout the day.

She would do this every month for one whole day until her father came back from his tour of duty.

Mary smiled as she clomped around the house, making enough noise to cover up the emptiness.

Written for today’s Light and Shade Challenge:

Also written in honor of not only the men and women that serve our country but their families who are without during their service.

Thank you.

Forever Grateful

Focusing on my own life
Or should I cast aside myself for another?
Really, I am not the first to wonder,
Even now, others ask this same question.
Vain thoughts and wishes crowd my mind,
Each demanding attention, one last plea to be listened to.
Reaching a decision, I step away and towards my chosen path.
Bravery and love know no boundaries.
Gone are the worries of this life,
Relief is my last thought, followed quickly by peace.
At the very least, my family is safe and friends as well.
Taken from life early, but also through choice.
Even though there are those who mourn,
Family and friends will forever remember my final moments.
Untold are the stories of many who choose to
Lose their lives for the sake of others.

Written in honor of those who give their lives in the defense of another, whether those saved are close friends and family or complete strangers.

Once We Were Different

When did it all change? When did it become so complicated? Once it was an honor and now it is a shame. We are no longer who we are; we’re now the same.

Written for this week’s Trifectra challenge:

I wasn’t sure what I was going to write about and then this just happened. shrugs I write what I write.